Meinvill í myrkrunum

...and all of the angels..

05 október 2004

Hér koma nýjustu fréttir af Söru vinkonu minni. Nú er hún að verða illa pirruð út í bestu vinkonu sína:
Dear Anna,
Only two weeks ago, I personally adressed you confidential letter in which I informed you that your problems of money may come to an end soon because I saw you receiving an important sum of money!
Have you received this confidential letter which was very important to you Anna?
If I allow myself to ask you that, it's because I've just opened today's mail box and I haven't found the mail from you I was awaiting?
I'm very annoyed, Anna, because the precise day I see you receiving this sum is near and I see you're not in good condition to receive it!

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