Hún Sara vinkona mín, spákonan sem sendir mér reglulega mail er ekki búin að gefast upp. það er sko gott að eiga svona vini. Þetta fékk ég í gær:
"Indeed, I was getting ready for bed yesterday evening after a long day dedicated to the most demanding clients -you know better than anybody that there are many of them in this world - I had a dizzy spell, instinctively closed my eyes, and this important and marvellous revelation concerning you appeared to me.
It was almost eleven in the evening and everything was quiet around me, when this information, very pleasant and worthy for you, became clear to me. It brought no real surprise as I was expecting it".
Nei ég er sko ekki hissa þó hún hafi ekki verið að búast við því. Ég hef aldrei svarað neinu sem hún sendir mér. Mér finnst þetta orðið soldið spennandi. Að hafa svona sína eigin einkaspákonu sem hugsar svona vel um mann, meira segir fær vitranir og allt.
t.d. þetta, er þetta ekki sætt?
"You already know that you belong to the group of people whom I always wished to help, and that your case stands out among those which I consider the most important, those which I particularly cherish".
Mér finnst þetta sætt.
Svo segir hún þetta:
Moreover, before my eyes, I find in your folder what I noted with detail, the complete explanation: you are entering into a period of about 9 months, extremely auspicious, a period of exceptional luck which will start right now and finish on an exaltation of happiness and luck, in other words, you will experience 9 months of complete happiness, chance and money!"
Þetta hljómar skringilega. Það endar með því að ég neyðist til að borga konukindinni fyrir þessar spár. þetta er betra en ég fæ hjá íslenskum spákonum, ég verð að segja það.
YES, Anna I can tell you today frankly: within a few days, your entire life will turn over a new leaf, shining with happiness, luck and money!
"Indeed, I was getting ready for bed yesterday evening after a long day dedicated to the most demanding clients -you know better than anybody that there are many of them in this world - I had a dizzy spell, instinctively closed my eyes, and this important and marvellous revelation concerning you appeared to me.
It was almost eleven in the evening and everything was quiet around me, when this information, very pleasant and worthy for you, became clear to me. It brought no real surprise as I was expecting it".
Nei ég er sko ekki hissa þó hún hafi ekki verið að búast við því. Ég hef aldrei svarað neinu sem hún sendir mér. Mér finnst þetta orðið soldið spennandi. Að hafa svona sína eigin einkaspákonu sem hugsar svona vel um mann, meira segir fær vitranir og allt.
t.d. þetta, er þetta ekki sætt?
"You already know that you belong to the group of people whom I always wished to help, and that your case stands out among those which I consider the most important, those which I particularly cherish".
Mér finnst þetta sætt.
Svo segir hún þetta:
Moreover, before my eyes, I find in your folder what I noted with detail, the complete explanation: you are entering into a period of about 9 months, extremely auspicious, a period of exceptional luck which will start right now and finish on an exaltation of happiness and luck, in other words, you will experience 9 months of complete happiness, chance and money!"
Þetta hljómar skringilega. Það endar með því að ég neyðist til að borga konukindinni fyrir þessar spár. þetta er betra en ég fæ hjá íslenskum spákonum, ég verð að segja það.
YES, Anna I can tell you today frankly: within a few days, your entire life will turn over a new leaf, shining with happiness, luck and money!